Whats my Role in Social Change?

Hello Friends,

As we balance the many heartbreaks of the world, if you're like me, the accumulating sense of helplessness can derail the energy that could be sent for prayer and disruption.

Looking across all of the roles to take in the resistance and to support Ukrainian people, I hope to remind us that we can choose a role that energizes and supports us. This may not look one way. At times like these, I return to Deepa Iyer's work above (full article
HERE). Deepa asks crucial questions, that from my perspective as a drama therapist/role theorist, help me understand patterns in "role-responsiveness" to social justice. 

I wonder- where do I have role stuckness in my participation in the social change ecosystem (EX believing there is one way to react)? Where do I oppress myself to play a particular role, when my body intuits something else? (EX pushing to frontline respond when the body desires to create art) How can decolonization begin with my own rigidity and acknowledgement of perfectionistic ideals in the midst of collective trauma? What about my own discomfort to shift my role (EX taking on more/less risk)?

There is no "right" way to respond right now. It's okay to limit news consumption. It's okay to be on fire one day, and collapse the next. May we do this leading with awareness and compassion.

May we acknowledge the outpouring of support for Ukraine, while also calling out the white supremacy as we watch the stark stratification of refugees in which Black and Brown peoples have not been afforded these open arms. How we can support Ukraine without pushing racist, settler colonial eurocentric, anti-Black narratives? Let us consistently deepen the dialogue, break our hearts open, listen with empathy, and let ourselves be changed.

In rallying support of a collective, I am so grateful for the astrology of the New Moon in Pisces. Perhaps like me you are excited to welcome in the embracing of the unseen knowing, the magic, the intuitive, and the invitation to rest in "unknowns". May this ushering in of the powerful multiverse inside us all, help us see and honor many truths. 

I've been given permission to share a stanza written by a participant during a queer support group’s last meeting. We explored a group poem activity in which we co-authored a recipe for calming anxiety, belonging, self-assurance, perseverance, love, and ease. Please enjoy!

Wishing you much peace and a balance of effort and ease as you traverse into the month. Sending love and care to all, and to all you care for and about.


March 2022


Queer Mirroring


Shadow Work, Healing Codependency, The FOOL