Queer Mirroring

Welcoming February with new offerings for our community!
Thank you all for your supportive messages, follows, and shares last month. I am so grateful for the connections we are forming. It is an honor to be sharing the drama therapy space as a resource to find play, resilience, hope, and relief amid the challenges of figuring out how to "human" (yes, as a verb) in this chaotic world. 

Private Practice Clients
I continue to accept new referrals for 1:1 Drama Therapy & Coaching clients. If you should know anyone who would like to work virtually together, feel free to pass along and they can submit an inquiry for a *free* 20-30 minute consultation 

I am excited to announce that "Re-Locate" continues!
This is a virtual Drama Therapy Group for LGBTQQIP2SAA adult folx to find connection & belonging. This is a pay what you can offering. No prior creative arts therapies experience necessary! 

This is a virtual group for queer adults 18+. The group utilizes expressive therapy methods to hold space for experiences of isolation, anxiety, and social disconnection. These feelings and realities may be amplified during winter days and the ongoing global unknowns of fate and wellness. As queer identifying folx, these experiences may turn up thoughts of “Other-ness” and inner voices of rejection, separation, and stigma. We creatively explore and gently challenge these negative beliefs. We invite laughter, play, and togetherness through adversity. In group we may utilize writing, role reversal, projection, story telling, metaphor, visualization, movement and more! Healing can be fun, connected, and expansive! 

We had our first session this past January. It was a really beautiful and intimate space with so much kindness, authenticity, and creative support. Thank you to those who participated.

A theme emerged towards the end of our first session from participants about becoming both the artist and the art itself of our queer experience. I've been holding this message close in my heart.

 Being queer is artfully resilient and it can be hard to feel a sense of safety to express oneself in that. It can feel hard to see oneself as beautiful amidst the inner and outer chatter of criticisms. How can we integrate self-acceptance amid the tension of internalized self-surveillance? This trap is often heightened in queer aesthetic, gender presentation and or expression, vetting the exterior to be "accepted" to "pass" to be "palatable" for others rather than attending to inner truth. When we come together and notice our patterns, resist, and rewrite the narrative as a group, we reclaim and heal. 

This has inspired me to find more ways to experience a sense of self-belonging through gathering in spaces where queer mirroring is abundant. Where the queer atmosphere is what supports and uplifts each of our unique contributions and ultimate sameness in divine nature. This time together reminded me that through community reflection, we relearn how magnificent and super-powered we are. All we need is already within and among us, if we guide another to look.

Happy Black History Month!

A moment to honor the late Bell Hooks

"There can be no love without justice". - Hooks in All Above Love : New Visions. I am inviting myself to breathe these words in and let them settle into my bones. To let the call to loving action fill me in an embodied way. Letting "just" love, be the only love there is to know. The embodiment of love includes disruption of anti-Blackness. How can we actually be full of more love by expanding what we stand up to disrupt?
I am learning a great deal about how to embody disruption of white body supremacy "culture" through the teachings of Resmaa Menakem. Please support his work

"Somatic Abolitionism is a living embodied Anti-Racism practice and culture building that requires endurance, agility, resource cultivation, stamina, discernment, self and communal discipline cultivation, embodied racial literacy and humility. These can be built, day by day, through reps. These communal life and invitational reps will temper and condition your body, your mind, and your soul to hold the charge of race" Resmaa Menakem

Share the Love

 I have been working on an instagram page to share accessible drama therapy and coaching content. This includes videos on drama therapy applications in coaching, relationship dynamics, and supportive coping skills for daily life. Please check it out and share with anyone you may know that could benefit from drama therapy and expressive arts approaches to therapy and coaching. I welcome your feedback and would love to be in virtual space with you on this platform. Something in drama therapy you're curious to learn more about? Drop me a question and I'll create a reel in response :)


I am wishing all well this month. I hope that your needs be met, your heart be soft, radical surrender finds you where it can, and you feel the light within that is always abundant. 

In community and care,

February 2022


Whats my Role in Social Change?