Hello there fellow traveler! I’m Sye (They/Them).


I am in emergence, as we all are, learning from the liberatory nature within and around us! I am a white, nonbinary, queer, neuroqueer, anti-zionist ashkenazi jewish healer, living on the unceeded ancestral lands of Huichin and Ohlone peoples. In my practice professionally, I am credentialed as Registered Drama Therapist. I aim to offer a healing container and relationship that honors your creative shape and unique way of experiencing the world. I strive to show up as my authentic & connected self, with the hope of inviting you to do the same! You may find the below a longer share, and it is my hope that this helps you feel into my story, energy, and way of being in the world to determine if there is some resonance. Thank you for being here and for your curiousness.

For me, therapeutic relationships and collectives that celebrate dimensionality and creativity are at the heart of aliveness & repair. I have been on a healing journey by calling back the parts of me that have been weaponized, oppressed, extracted from, traumatized, and withheld from ancestral rooting. I want us to all become re-enchanted out of colonial flattening. My process has included a lifetime of dance, the theater arts, trauma healing, eco spiritual belonging, and lots of play through the hard stuff! I am another human doing my best as I practice decolonizing, reconnection, and queering/claiming the meaning of healing back from grip of oppression. I believe fiercely in a world to come that remembers every beings’ inherent belongingness and right to liberation. I believe our nature is care, our nature is thriving, our nature is love. This visioning is a prayer woven into all my work with those I support, my art, and life. Through our healing together, may we continue becoming the dream of our ancestors and of the earth.


As a drama therapist, I support you to honor the multiplicity of roles in life. This invitation is about accepting that all parts of us, traumatized and all, serve as wise guides. I aim to organize myself alongside you as creative and gentle accompaniment, as we navigate the contradictions, wounds, and joys of being alive. Our work together will seek to illuminate the roles you play, those buried/lost, and those you long to become. We bring these parts of self into relationship, connection, & agency. We may utilize expressive arts, embodiment, movement, playfulness/humor, trauma healing somatics, verbal process, and more along the path.

In our work together, we will center on what promotes resource, joy, and endurance. My hope is to support you towards more fully inhabiting your aligned values and desires. I hope these connections we make together, bridge you to many other spaces, communities, and resourceful webs in your life. I am deeply influenced and in awe of the courage in the recovery and peer centric communities, that more often do not hide behind white supremacist professionalism and title hierarchies. I do my best to show up with all parts of me in our work together, seeking to co-create boundaries around your care needs and mine. Together I hope to disrupt the inherent power dynamic that can be loaded onto the title “healer” or “therapist” by practicing negociation of care and earnest movement through any rupture. May we be anchored to clear and kind boundaries.


I support folx to mitigate shame from harmful systems/environments that we live under and within, that we resist through. Living through late stage racialized capitalism and a cis-hetero abelist patriarchal paradigm, I honor that healing looks like compassionate harm reduction & resilience. Healing is all that dismantles capitalistic and product centric frames of wellness, and instead defines wellbeing by your own knowing & affirming community.

Especially for communities which have been historically and systemically excluded, undervalued, dehumanized, and tortured by the fields of health, I understand trauma healing to be a practice of remembering your power (Thank you Alexis Pauline Gumbs). Waking from the myths of disempowerment taught by colonization, white supremacy, individualism and capitalism, means to call ourselves back (Joy Harjo). To remember that we all have innate healing abilities, the capacity for caring relationship, and strategic survival. I look forward to connecting with you to see if we may be a fit to partner along your path.